
Can man be profitable to God? The idea of humans becoming gods and wielding Godlike powers is intriguing, but it comes with significant consequences.

This article explores the potential implications of such a scenario and emphasises the importance of humility and acknowledging the role of a merciful God in our lives.

Can Man Be Profitable To God:

If humans were to attain godly powers, the very essence of life could be commodified. For instance,

even the air we breathe might be sold, leading to a world where essential resources become privileges accessible only to those who can afford them.

The Bible says in Job 22:2

Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable unto himself? (Job 22:2 (KJV).

Arbitrary Nature of Power:

Imagine a world where one person, like a god, could dictate when it rains and when the sun shines.

Such arbitrary control over natural forces would leave humanity at the mercy of a single individual, with no room for pleading or compromise. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:23

A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit
(Proverbs 29:23 (KJV).

Unforgiving Nature of Human “Gods”

Humans, being inherently flawed, may struggle with forgiveness if they were gods. Unlike the merciful God we know, humans might find it difficult to pardon others, creating an unforgiving and harsh world.

A Story of Power and Compassion:

Let me share a compelling real-life story that vividly demonstrates the contrasting attitudes between human thinking and divine compassion.

In this story, we witness how a wealthy man’s reaction to an accident stands in stark contrast to the actions of another observer, shedding light on the significance of humility and recognizing God’s role as the ultimate creator and provider.

One day, a fortunate event took an unexpected turn when a man accidentally collided his vehicle with that of a wealthy individual.

In response to the accident, the wealthy man reacted with aggression and anger, displaying a lack of understanding and empathy towards the situation.

However, amidst this tense situation, there was another person observing the incident from a distance.

This observer noticed that the man’s car, which had collided with the wealthy individual’s vehicle, seemed to be in a state of disrepair, suggesting that he might not be as financially fortunate.

Filled with compassion and understanding, this observer decided to intervene and take matters into his own hands.

Rather than exacerbating the situation with anger and resentment, they chose to approach the wealthy man with empathy and humility.

Addressing the wealthy man with respect, the observer asked how much it would cost to repair the damage caused by the accident.

When the wealthy man responded with the amount he spent on the car, the observer didn’t react with bitterness or judgment. Instead, he reached into his own pocket and wrote a check for the exact amount required for the car’s repair.

But the observer’s kindness didn’t end there. Recognizing the financial disparity between the two individuals involved in the accident, they went above and beyond by writing another check for a significant amount of money – two million units of currency – and handed it to the man who had accidentally caused the collision.

Through this act of extraordinary compassion and generosity, the less fortunate individual found himself transformed from a moment of distress to a situation of great fortune.

The observer’s actions not only repaired the damaged car but also alleviated the financial burden of the man responsible for the accident, effectively making him financially stable.

This touching story serves as a poignant reminder of the power of humility and empathy in the face of adversity.

The wealthy man’s initial reaction reflected the limitations of human thinking, driven by pride and the desire for self-preservation. On the other hand, the observer’s actions exemplified divine compassion – a reflection of God’s love and understanding.

In this tale, we see how vital it is to recognize that God is the ultimate creator and provider. His divine compassion extends to all of humanity, regardless of our social status or financial standing.

Embracing humility and understanding our place in the grand scheme of creation allows us to be vessels of God’s compassion and love, making a positive impact on the lives of others.

It is through such acts of kindness that we truly exemplify the essence of divine presence in our lives.

Recognising Our Maker:

Recognizing Our Maker is a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. The Bible teaches us that both the rich and the poor, regardless of our social status or material possessions, are creations of the same Maker – God.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:2

The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all (Proverbs 22:2 (KJV).

This serves as a powerful reminder that no one is inherently superior or inferior based on their worldly achievements.

The trap of pride is a cautionary lesson presented in the scriptures. When humans become arrogant and boastful, believing that their successes and accomplishments are exclusively the result of their own efforts, they distance themselves from the divine wisdom that guides and sustains them.

This arrogance can lead us astray from the path of righteousness and compassion. Conversely, humility plays a crucial role in our relationship with God.

By acknowledging and humbly accepting God’s role in our lives, we recognize our dependence on a higher power beyond our own capabilities.

This acknowledgment opens our hearts to a deeper understanding of our purpose and connection to the divine.

When we understand that we are not the architects of our existence, but rather beneficiaries of God’s grace, it fosters a sense of gratitude and reverence.

Embracing humility allows us to find meaning and purpose in our lives, appreciating the blessings we receive and understanding that they come from a loving and merciful Creator.

By recognizing our Maker and practicing humility, we can uplift our spirits and find comfort and guidance in the midst of life’s challenges.

It is through this deepened connection with God that we can navigate the complexities of existence with wisdom and inner peace.

Ultimately, this recognition helps us live purposeful lives aligned with divine principles, fostering love, compassion, and unity among all of God’s creations.

Embracing Righteousness and Seeking God:

In life, the glamour wealth and power may seem appealing, but they hold no true value if we don’t live righteously.

Our time on Earth is limited, and our ultimate aim should be to find favour with God. To achieve this, we must let go of arrogance, embrace goodness, and live in a way that pleases Him.

The Bible Says in 2 Corinthians 10:17-18

But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth
(2 Corinthians 10:17-18 (KJV).

Prioritizing righteousness over worldly gains leads us towards a fulfilling and purposeful existence.


While the idea of humans becoming gods may seem alluring, it brings forth a world filled with dangers, arrogance, and an absence of mercy.

We should instead focus on recognizing our limitations, embracing humility and seeking a relationship with the merciful God who guides and supports us.

By living righteously and acknowledging God’s role in our lives, we pave the way for an everlasting home in His kingdom.

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